The Five Animals of 5 Animals Shaolin Kung Fu

The imitation of animals for martial practice has a long history. It might have started thousands of years ago with the imitation for health purposes that were later translated and bundled into Chi Kung or QiGong. The main style of Immortal Dragon Vancouver is the 5 Animals Shaolin Kung Fu which means it is a style that goes back to the Shaolin temple (Sil Lum) and is using mainly the five different animals. But what are these animals for and why are they so important? Animals represent different traits and characteristics a practitioner thrive to achieve in a certain style. As we will see later in this post, the different animals complement each other and through that create a whole martial artist.


Traditionally, that main animals from Shaolin are: Dragon, Snake, Leopard, Tiger and Crane. As you already could see the Dragon is the main animal of our school being part of the name of Immortal Dragon. Let’s make a tour through the different animals and why they are so important for training kung fu. Each animal description will contain the spirit or inner essence, the physical traits or characteristics, certain techniques used, some of the forms we have and other styles, the corresponding weapons, and the specialty of the each animal style.


The Immortal Dragon



Let’s start with the dragon since it is also the animal that is part of our school name. In the Western world the dragon is a mystical animal but in Chinese philosophy it is an established animal that has more influence into the real life and appears as a zodiac sign, in Feng Shui, temples but also fashion. In Chinese martial arts, it is often regarded as the highest animal.

The main essence of the dragon is called shen which symbolizes the spirit and its presence. That means that the training with dragon essence will help you to develop a powerful, sharp mind and a better mental focus. On the external, dragon techniques are characterized by curving, flying, smooth and majestic movements. Defense and attack should go united in a single pattern or movement. Another way, is to evade and immediately counter. According to that in our system we have several dragon fists, the most prominent is a punch with an open hand. Being our main animal essence the dragon appears in almost all of our forms and can be practiced on-going.

Outside of martial arts, the dragon power or spirit can be useful to strengthen decision-making and spiritual development.



The Chi Animal- Snake



The snake’s essence is the energy chi the moves around the body. By its maneuverability, its soft and round movements, it resembles all the characteristics of chi. The serpent is often referred to as “earth dragon”, because of certain similarities and because of the close connection between energy and the spirit (shen). The essence of snake is chi, as stated above, and that means that snake is a great support for training energy flow, to strengthen it and for promoting better endurance. Since chi is an internal power, snake is connected to the internal energy flow. Externally, snake movements and techniques are soft and flowing, at the same time, they are highly targeted and go straight and directly to one specific point. The snake hand is mainly used for thrusts or slices. The snake is used in many forms such as Butterfly, Three Families and 5 Animals.

The teaching for everyday life is that increased energy flow also supports better health and endurance for the body but also luck.


The fastest animal- Leopard


 If you had a chance to watch a documentary of leopards hunting, you would know that they are quite good hunters because of their ability to speed up quickly over a short distance. They can wait in a tree for the right moment and then jump out and get their prey easily.

The leopard essence is, therefore, characterized by speed. Its explosiveness is only used when required, that good be transmitted into swift and fast combinations of strikes are a fast-paced counter-attack. That said, leopards have also a special muscular strength called li.

The famous leopard fist in our style is executed with the knuckles of the hands and can be especially devastating for small bones or easy targets such as rips. Leopard techniques are used in 5 animals form but also appears in other forms. As of an everyday trait, the leopard essence can help to create a better focus and being able to do things quicker.



The ferrous Tiger



The tiger is an essential animal in kung fu and can be found in many styles. The tiger, as the unquestioned king of the jungle, can, out of a single and explosive movement that seems to be smooth at the same time, break the neck of its prey easily.

In its essence, the tiger represents the internal force. It specifically promotes Gu chi which is bone energy, and that means that tiger forms help to strengthen the bones. You can say that tiger forms use the consolidated internal force coming from the lower tan tien, but it also stands for courage and ferocity.

In the external part, the movements of a tiger can also look smooth, even soft and playful. The most used technique we use in our school is the tiger claw and tiger hook which is used a lot in our Black Tiger form. Doing it right, the power and superiority is visible in the forms and its right execution. The tiger claw punches and scratches the opponent but is also used to pull out the flesh or dislocate joints.

The tiger essence helps to develop self-confident and courage for everyday actions. This way it can help to create better situations in life, at work and personally.



The Gracious Crane



A crane can stand on its leg for hours, not moving and when it suddenly moves it is fast, can rise its wings and attack with its beak quickly and right into the target.

The main essence of the crane is jing, which features elegance, which means that its movements are reduced to a minimum. Externally, many techniques used in crane are kicks and the crane hook/ beak which are used often against eyes or genitals. Another striking technique we practice is the phoenix’s eye fist and blade- open hand strike which is practiced in our palm fist and black bird forms.

Since the crane spirit supports the development of elegance, it can make you less clumsy and help to move with more grace.

What is your animal?

Now, find out which animal you are! Train kung fu, having the different animal essences in mind.


A brief history of Shaolin Kung Fu


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